額外報名 / Additional Registration

    🐉報名者真實姓名 / Real Name* 🐉護照英文名字 / First Name* 🐉護照英文姓氏 / Last Name* ✉️聯絡信箱 / Email* 📱聯絡電話 / Tel-number* 🌎您來自哪裡? / Country of Residence*
    請告訴我們您來自哪個國家 / Other Country*
    💸您的匯款總金額(新台幣) / Total amount of your payment(NTD)* 📅您的匯款日期 / Remittance date: (YYYYY/MM/DD)*
    🏦匯款銀行名 / Bank Name* 🏦匯款銀行末五碼 / Your remittance information*
    🧾付款成功的訂單編號 / Successful Payment Order Number*
    Total in 17 codes, for example: 20230914162153889. Please check the title and the text within the letter with successful payment.

    點化報名/Ray Initiation

    ⚠️點化名額有限,一旦無法報名代表名額已滿/The number of places for Rays is limited.

    ✨請選擇您是否參與點化(自由參與)/Would you like to participate ray initiation*
    ⚡一階光束數量(最多3道)/Amount of Level-One Rays(max:3)*
    ⚡要點化的一階光束(請勿勾選超過3項)/Select your Level-One Rays(max:3)* 薩南達之光(I) / SANANDA(I)庫圖彌之光(I) / KUTHUMI(I)阿斯塔之光(I) / ASHTAR(I)聖哲曼之光(I) / SAINT GERMAIN(I)瑟若佩斯貝之光(I) / SERAPHIS BEY(I)迪瓦爾.庫爾之光(I) / DJWAL KHUL(I)昴宿星(I) / PLEIADES(I)天狼星(I) / SIRIUS(I)獵戶座(I) / ORION(I)銀河中央太陽(I) / CENTRAL SUN(I)仙女座星系(I) / ANDROMEDA(I)天琴座(I) / LYRA(I)心宿二/畢宿五(I) / ANTARES&ALDEBARON(I)
    ⚡⚡二階光束數量(最多3道)/Amount of Level-Two Rays(max:3)*
    Must have been initiated before and practiced continuously for more than 2 months
    ⚡⚡要點化的二階光束(請勿勾選超過3項)/Select your Level-Two Rays(max:3)* 薩南達之光(II) / SANANDA(II)庫圖彌之光(II) / KUTHUMI(II)阿斯塔之光(II) / ASHTAR(II)聖哲曼之光(II) / SAINT GERMAIN(II)瑟若佩斯貝之光(II) / SERAPHIS BEY(II)迪瓦爾.庫爾之光(II) / DJWAL KHUL(II)昴宿星(II) / PLEIADES(II)天狼星(II) / SIRIUS(II)獵戶座(II) / ORION(II)銀河中央太陽(II) / CENTRAL SUN(II)仙女座星系(II) / ANDROMEDA(II)天琴座(II) / LYRA(II)心宿二/畢宿五(II) / ANTARES&ALDEBARON(II)
    💡承上題,請問您是何時點化該光的一階? /When did you get level-one initiation of selected Rays?*


    *本人已完成付款,才填寫此報名表/I have completed the payment before filling out this registration form. *本人聲明以上提供的一切資料均正確,經送出後不得修改,否則主辦單位有權取消報名資格/I declare that all the information provided above is correct and shall not be modified after submission, otherwise the organizer has the right to cancel the registration. *本人聲明此為本人報名,並未替其他人代為付報名與付款,否則主辦單位有權取消報名資格/I declare that this is my registration and I have not paid for anyone else. Otherwise, the organizer has the right to cancel the registration. *我已確實閱讀所有內容,同意遵守所有內容與條款,否則主辦單位有權取消報名資格/I have indeed read all the contents and agree to abide by all contents and terms, otherwise the organizer has the right to cancel the registration.
    剩餘 39 個名額.